A cluster analysis study based on profitability and financial indicators in the Italian gas retail market

Guendalina Capece, Livio Cricelli, Francesca Di Pillo Nathan Levialdi 

Energy Policy 

Abstract: In the European Union, the natural gas market is increasingly being liberalized. The liberalization process is aimed at leading to lower prices and higher volumes, and hence higher consumer welfare.

This paper focuses on the changes in performance in the natural gas retail market by analyzing the profit and financial position of the companies concerned over the first three years following the market liberalization. The balance sheets of 105 Italian companies in this sector are analyzed, after which a cluster analysis is performed employing the most significant performance indexes. The companies are then analyzed within each cluster with respect to age, size, geographical location and business diversification.

The results of our analysis show that the majority of companies attained a high level of performance, although this positive outcome was mitigated by the gradual decrease of the average values of performance indicators during the period concerned. The companies that achieve the best performances belong to longstanding business groups, are medium-large sized and are located in the north of the country. Regarding business diversification, in the first two years, the specialised companies outperformed the diversified companies.

Sustainability-oriented service innovation: An emerging research field

Armando Calabrese, Carolina Castaldi , Giampiero Forte, Nathan Ghiron Levialdi 

Journal of Cleaner Production

Abstract: Current environmental, social and economic sustainability challenges are increasingly becoming sources of motivation for both manufacturing and service companies when attempting to innovate their businesses. In recent years, there has been growing interest from academics, policy-makers and practitioners on service innovation as a new business logicfor companies to address societal challenges regarding sustainability. Nevertheless, research specifically focusing on service innovation in relation to sustainability is scarce and ultimately scattered across different research fields. Thereby, only limited clues are available for companies willing to address sustainability challenges through service innovation. To encourage further research in this direction, this paper systematically reviewed the available literature by investigating peer-reviewed publications (from 2004 up to and including 2015) across different fields, which jointly focus on services, innovation and sustainability. The literature review confirmed both the growing amount of research on service innovation in relation to sustainability, as well as the lack of an overarching field to clearly identify such a phenomenon. The review also revealed that three main existing research streams (service innovation, product-service system and sustainability-oriented innovation) contribute to the investigation topic, though all have specific focuses when it comes to the sustainability and innovation dimensions considered. Taking stock of the descriptive and thematic analysis of the review and the identified research gaps, the paper concludes by discussing the need for a clear recognition of the emerging field of sustainability-oriented service innovation, and by outlining several future research pathways for its further enhancement.

A chance constrained optimization approach for resource unconstrained project scheduling with uncertainty in activity execution intensity

Lucio Bianco, Massimiliano Caramia, Stefano Giordani

Abstract: We study the problem of scheduling project activities with precedence constraints and unlimited resources. The latter problem, with the objective of minimizing the completion time of the project and deterministic activity durations, is known to be polynomially solvable. In the case of stochastic durations, the objective becomes to determine the project makespan distribution which is a #P complete problem. The most common technique used in this case is PERT. However, it is known that PERT tends to underestimate the expected makespan of the project. In our work, we try to overcome this shortcoming by considering a stochastic formulation of the problem, exploiting the activity execution intensity as a stochastic variable, and a chance constrained optimization approach. The main hypotheses under which our model works are essentially two: one is to have a sufficiently large time horizon for the project and the second, differently to what happens for the durations of the activities in the PERT model, is to assume a Beta probability density function for the activity execution intensity variables. The first hypothesis appears to be realistic since, when time horizon is large, stochastic factors tend to come into play in every decision problems; the second hypothesis, is realistic as well, since a minimum and a maximum value exist for the stochastic variables used in our model. Experimental results and a comparison with the PERT model and a Monte Carlo simulation are presented.

Resource planning for aircraft refueling in airport parking area

Pasquale Carotenuto, Stefano Giordani, Alessio Salvatore, Andrea Bias

Abstract: This paper studies a scheduling problem application for the optimization of the employees used in aircrafts’ refueling in a medium size airport. The problem is modelled as a particular resource leveling problem for which we provide a mixed integer mathematical formulation that we solve with CPLEX. The model allows to evaluate and analyse different scenarios that could be considered by the company in place of the current one in order to rearrange the available human resources used in refueling activity. Experimental results on a set of real test cases provided by an oil & gas company are discussed.

Integrating sustainability into strategic decision-making: A fuzzy AHP method for the selection of relevant sustainability issues

Armando Calabrese, Roberta Costa, Nathan Levialdi, Tamara Menichini


The United Nations aspirational agenda for sustainable development calls for the shared efforts of governments, business sector, society and stakeholders to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. In the business perspective, the joint pursuit of both durable competitive advantages and long-term benefits for society are not just the result of companies’ reactions to goals of institutions or demands of stakeholders. Rather, they depend on a holistic integration of sustainability in companies’ strategic decision-making.

This paper proposes an application of the fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method for selecting those sustainability issues that are most relevant for creating shared value for both business and society, and that should be the focus of strategic planning and management. The integration of the ISO 26000 framework with the method permits a holistic treatment of all areas of sustainability. The paper also illustrates to managers how the method should be applied in practice through a step-by-step application to a medium-sized company operating in the water technology sector. Finally, its usefulness as a managerial tool for strategic decision-makers is discussed.



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